Quicksilver Reload and Mystic Burst interaction


New member
When you imbue an ability with Quicksilver Reload so it deals more than 80 damage the Mystic Burst doesn't proc.

Is this an intended interaction because the Mystic Burst ignores added bonus 30 damage from Quicksilver Reload?
If so, then maybe it's not too obvious that it will ignore the added bonus
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Sorry to necro, but I just came here to report the same thing. I'm not sure if it's intended for mystic burst to work or not, but it's definitely not obvious that it won't work. Either the interaction needs to be fixed, or wording needs to be somehow updated to indicate mystic burst only working on 80+ base damage.

In my case, I was testing with Pocket + Quicksilver Reload (on Barrage) + Mystic Burst. Mystic Burst did seem to proc for the other abilities, but did not work on the first shot (or any shot) of Barrage.

this isn't very clear in-game because the purple damage number that pops up above their heads is the a sum of all Spirit Damage that happened in that moment, but these are indeed separate instances of damage. Mystic/Improved Burst only consider the damage done by the ability. Same thing happens with Mystic Shot and Kinetic Carbine, where people wonder why Improved Burst sometimes doesn't trigger when the number is clearly above 125.
Presumably, that's why things like Quicksilver Reload and Mystic Shot explicitly call it a bonus—as in an extra thing added—whereas Surge of Power (which does work to put skills above the threshold for Mystic/Improved Burst) does not.

When you are on the receiving end, you can see it in the damage summary that these are separate instances of damage:


So it's not really a bug, it just unfortunately is somewhat opaque due to the game removing clutter by bunching these number together.

(Tangentially related bonus info; It's also worth noting that Mystic Burst and Improved Burst trigger based on the actual damage received by the target, and not the number you read in the skill description. So the threshold is higher if you use it on someone who bought Spirit Resist or a Hero with innate Spirit Resist like McGinnis.)
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It would help if the flat damage from Quicksilver Reload was simply shown as a separate instance of damage to make it clear that there is no damage instance above 80 that can trigger Mystic Burst. Right now Quicksilver Reload adds its flat damage to the base damage so it comes up as 1 number even though Mystic Burst is clearly not considering the additional flat damage from Quicksilver Reload.