Yamato alternate fire mode does not benefit from conditional weapon damage modifiers


New member
Yamato has an alternate fire mode when using rightclick where she throws 3 grenades expending 3 ammo.

This damage scales with the innate weapon damage included within an items base stats, including the bonus included with any item of type weapon/orange, and +% weapon damage modifiers on an items base stats.

For example, "Basic Magazine" provides 6% + 15% = 21% weapon damage, which appears to be correctly applied to Yamato's alternate fire mode.


However, conditional bonuses granted by passive or active item applications are not factored into the alternat fire modes damage. This includes:
- 25% dmg from close quarters
- 50% from alchemical fire
- 25% from Pristine Emblem
- 75% from intensifying magazine


I have not been able to conclusively test if the +dmg from Berserker gets applied.d

This makes the alternate fire mode scale a lot worse compared to the left click, to an extent where it doesn't make sense to use it at all once you have a few items.

The attached clip demonstrates by example of "Point Blank":

Primary fire damage without items: 28
With Point Blank: 45
Expected Damage (14% + 45%): 28 * 1.59 = 44.52

Alternate fire damage without items: 70
With Point Blank: 80
Expected Damage (14% + 45%) : 70 * 1.59 = 111.3
Actual Damage (14%) : 70 * 1.14 = 79.8

