Wraith's Telekenisis will chase you across the entire map


New member
Match log 30055298.

I was Ivy, and I was using her flying move on one my teammates to escape a bad fight, when Wraith targeted me with Telekinesis. I was fast enough to barely outrun it, but it apparently has no expiration time. This led to an admittedly epic chase across the city trying to lose it, flying though alleys, turning and weaving etc. But when my fly expired, Telekinesis activated on me after leading it across the whole map.

I don't think that's supposed to happen, though that was a cool moment.
It's a projectile and projectile attacks will follow you unless you disjoint them. This applies to any game with homing projectile attacks. This is not a bug. If you think this should be changed regardless, I would make a feedback post I guess?