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Worn Coin | Tier 1 Weapon Item |
-50 max hp | Active (6s): Toss a coin, which deals damage and secures soul orbs. If this item last hits an entity or secures a soul, refresh this active's cool down and grant 1 additional soul to the user. |
This item comes from another item idea that I posted (here if interested: While I still stand by that concept, I think that splitting those items into unique items is a lot healthier for the game, and has a far better chance at actually making it into the game.
This item would function essentially as a last hitting tool, that also allows the user to spend souls now on a statistically weak item in order to potentially make more souls than they spent in the future.
The -50 max hp is there in order to reinforce this item as an investment into the future. Due to the way this item works, buying as soon as possible is vital in order to start stacking as soon as possible. -50 max hp is quite significant, especially in the early game.
This item's active will deal as much damage as a normal bullet would from the hero using it. The flat NPC bonus damage is just so that heroes with low base bullet damage can utilize this item more effectively. This item's active will have a fixed bullet velocity of the user's current bullet velocity + 25m/s.