Wish - Charge-based vitality item


Active member
Slot: Vitality
Tier: IV (6200)
+15 spirit power
+10% ability cooldown
Increases the effectiveness of your healing by 10%
Active (60s) (1 charge) (3s between charges):
Provide the target with a wish, granting them move speed. After 8 seconds, the wish is granted, instantly healing the target.
  • +2m/s move speed
  • +33% max hp heal per wish
  • One wish per ally

As of right now, all of the tier 4 vitality items tend to be quite selfish item, usually only bought by tanks or carries to engage or survive damage, instead of more supportive archetypes. I suspect there are reasons as to why this is the case, seeing how those archetypes tend to be the only ones that can afford investing into an expensive vitality item. Nevertheless, I decided to come up with a vitality tier 4 that is designed to be an expensive, yet potent option for healing. The charge system requires additional investment into another expensive item (rapid recharge) in order to make the most out of the item. I am also open to the idea of making this item build out of another item in order to make the item more of a commitment.
I don't like the idea of making a tier 4 dependent on an unrelated tier 1/3 to be good. I think if we're going to make an active item use charges we have 2 options. We can make it use multiple charges inherent in the item or we can make it use stamina as a form of charges. I like the idea of a support using their stamina as a charge to heal people so might I suggest it uses stamina has a 10 second cooldown and heals 20% max hp instead?
I don't like the idea of making a tier 4 dependent on an unrelated tier 1/3 to be good. I think if we're going to make an active item use charges we have 2 options. We can make it use multiple charges inherent in the item or we can make it use stamina as a form of charges. I like the idea of a support using their stamina as a charge to heal people so might I suggest it uses stamina has a 10 second cooldown and heals 20% max hp instead?
You only need Extra charge in order to benefit from an additional charge. Plenty of existing items have synergies with other items.
Slot: Vitality
Tier: IV (6200)
+15 spirit power
+10% ability cooldown
Increases the effectiveness of your healing by 10%
Active (60s) (1 charge) (3s between charges):
Provide the target with a wish, granting them move speed. After 8 seconds, the wish is granted, instantly healing the target.
  • +2m/s move speed
  • +33% max hp heal per wish
  • One wish per ally

As of right now, all of the tier 4 vitality items tend to be quite selfish item, usually only bought by tanks or carries to engage or survive damage, instead of more supportive archetypes. I suspect there are reasons as to why this is the case, seeing how those archetypes tend to be the only ones that can afford investing into an expensive vitality item. Nevertheless, I decided to come up with a vitality tier 4 that is designed to be an expensive, yet potent option for healing. The charge system requires additional investment into another expensive item (rapid recharge) in order to make the most out of the item. I am also open to the idea of making this item build out of another item in order to make the item more of a commitment.
If it's not meant to be selfish, it needs the text 'can't be self-targeted.' Otherwise, a 33% heal for frontliners, plus two charges for other allies, could become a major issue. Additionally, if it isn't one charge per ally per copy of the item, what happens if two frontliners both buy this? Can they each use one charge on themselves and another on each other? While the idea sounds good, it would require a lot of restrictive text, which could become frustrating for clarity.
Vitality Tier 4
: Healing Booster
§7250 Souls

  • +6 Health Regen
  • +15 Spirit Power
  • +12% Spirit Resist
Increases the effectiveness of your healing by 30% and resistance to healing reduction effects on your allies by 15%​
Active (30s Cooldown):
Provide the target with a wish, providing bonus movement speed. After duration expires, the wish is granted, instantly healing the target for a percentage of Max Health. Cannot be self-cast
  • 30% Heal Amount (Conditional)
  • 2m/s Move Speed (Conditional)
  • 45m Cast Range
  • 8s Duration

I scrapped the charge mechanic, and added no self-cast. It also builds out of healing booster now.