(WIP) Heal bolt - Aim reliant healing ability


Active member
Heal bolt
40s Cooldown | 1.25s Duration | 1 Charge | 5s Charge Cooldown
Fire a straight traveling bolt that heals allies and damages enemies based on distance traveled.
Tier 1: -8s Cooldown
Tier 2: +1 Charge
Tier 3: +5% Max HP Healing
To do list:
  • base damage and healing values
  • distance scalings
  • better and more creative upgrades
obviously taking inspiration from the crusader's crossbow in tf2. feedback appreciated.
Arcane Ring
40s Cooldown | 1.25s Duration | 1 Charge | 5s Charge Cooldown
Fire a Ring that travels straight forward. Heals allies in the Ring over a duration and damages enemies in an area outside the Ring over a duration.
Heal/Damage: 100 + 1x
Area: 10m + 0.3x
Max Distance: 50m
Tier 1: -8s Cooldown
Tier 2: +1 Charge
Tier 3: +100 Heal and Up to +9% Max HP Healing/Damage based on Distance
Maybe instead of healing a chunk of HP from one shot based on max HP, it instead heals a set amount of HP over a duration, kind of like Healing Nova? Then you can get items like Duration Extender to increase the amount of healing.
Charges could make it really annoying to fight in a duo lane, so maybe it only gets charges at the T3 upgrade?
Also, I don't know how well the distance damage/healing thing would translate to Deadlock. A lot of healing support items generally encourage being close to the front lines.
I mean, we can take inspiration from Midas from HoN who has a pretty similar ability.

Say that it deals damage to enemies and heals allies as it passes through them, then one of the upgrades can add an explosion once it finishes traveling that deals additional damage/healing based on the number of targets it has hit. Range can be fairly short (15-20m) and the upgrades can improve the travel speed and range along with CD. Have it travel fairly slow (around how fast Dynamo's Pulse does) and you have a pretty cool ability.