WIP Giat (Goblins in a Trenchcoat)

Give the goblins a each a pistol for their Ult, kinda like a fan the hammer, with more damage dealt for more goblins alive
Give the goblins a each a pistol for their Ult, kinda like a fan the hammer, with more damage dealt for more goblins alive
Dang, that'd be sick. Maybe they all use revolvers that are slow but having more lets them alternate basic shots/reloads. Ult lets them all fan different directions
OOH yeah, that makes more sense, i was thinking more of a mono-directional attack, but something Haze-esque could work too, though i'm not quite sure how to classify the mobility of the attack as it is performed. Though i feel like they could have like a money stun ability where, in terms of Mo and Krill, they could stun the enemy by throwing coins at them, maybe not so much a weapon disable but a 1-0.75 sec stun just to halt certain movements or attacks if it lands.
Reload is just the top one passing the empty gun down and one of the lower ones passing a full one back up, a nice perk that they have fast reload times except for after ult
Interesting!, I like the idea,It feels like Meepo came into the game.
Yeah, the idea is Techies meets Meepo but somehow with a complete unique skillset. The Fan the Hammer Ult also gave me the idea for a more Passive toggle spell, maybe to swap your goblin's aim from multiple(# of Goblins) to and from a single direction. Maybe wichever mode you are effects everything (basic attack/abilities/Ult in 1/2/3 directions)
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I love his hero design, I feel it would fit in the world well enough. Maybe it would be extra, but it would be cool if each goblin had a different gun, so when each goblin dies you get to use a different weapon. Maybe the last goblin's gun is the strongest as you are otherwise pretty weak at that point.

Wonder how the character would work with items that buff you when you are healthy/injured.
Alternate Ult idea: Give the character a darker twist and have the ultimate be they all close the trencoat and fight eachother, 2 of the goblins eat the other one for a buff