What Is the Current Meta?

As of right now the game is in an extremely volatile state, big balance patches majorly reworking characters every week or so, the map and objectives consistently changing. It's very all over the place, and undefined.


I believe this tier list made by Bladder is an excellent starting point to understanding the Rough state each character plays in the meta.
If you're REALLY interested, they go into great depth in the video to explain their reasoning behind each characters placement.

Double However!

This was made for the August 1st patch, and as I'm sure you're well aware, a major content patch released last night that changed the stats of most heroes in the game. (Ontop of adding an entire new hero to the roster)

In my personal opinion, this tier list still holds relatively well. (Once again, credits to Bladder)1723826240216.png

However, after the latest changes I'd hesitantly move McGinnis to low C tier, and I'd rank Shiv in either A or even S tier, though its too early to really tell for him.
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