Weird quirks about French translation


New member
I will obviously ignore everything that is not translated. If you need help to translate the game valve, do not hesitate to contact me, I am a dev and I used to be a translator!


NOTE : This is the format I will use for most items - French name (English name), and then Current text => Preferred text and an explanation as to why

General :

The "%", "m/s" signs are aligned differently between each items. Example : Tir curatif has "+7 %" and "+8%". The first % has a space before it, the second does not. French historically does not put spaces before %.

WEAPONS (Orange)

- Balles antimonstres (Monster Rounds) :

Current : +35% Dégâts balistiques contre les PNJ
Suggestion : +35% Dégâts des armes contre les PNJ

Balistique in French is solely the calculus that goes behind the bullet trajectory or a shield, it can't be used in that case. All other weapons use dégâts des armes as well as the english version.

- Chargeur actif (Active reload) :

Suggestion : Rechargement actif

It describes perfectly the passive with just the name, whereas Chargeur actif translates to Active magazine, which is weird.

- Furie (Berserker) :

Suggestion : Berserk

Furie does convey the idea of someone extremely angry. However Berserk is a word that exists in French and it conveys the idea that you ignore the damage dealt to you and you get even angrier. In relation to the effect of the item, I believe that's a better translation.

- Charge brute (Melee charge) :

Suggestion : Charge brutale OR Charge au front

This one is a little bit complicated. At first glance, the word translates to Raw Charge. But what bugs me with it is that you don't get the idea that your melee weapon is stronger. Charge brutale conveys the idea of a sudden rush. Quite frankly I don't like this suggestion very much. However, charge au front translated to "Charge to the front" in reference to a milatry front. I think it gives the idea of going to melee range.

- Défense renforcée (Escalating resilience) :

Suggestion : Défense exponentielle.

This item has a similar effect than Chargeur exponentiel, except that you have to hit. It still conveys the idea of you having to do something to have a better defence whereas Défense renforcée just means fortified defence, so it feels like you are going to instantly have a better defence.

- Pierre de distortion (Warp stone)

Suggestion : Pierre de téléportation.

Warp translates to téléportation. The items teleports. I don't know why distortion has been used when it makes it feel like an item that would make the screen wiggly.

- Tir veinard (Lucky shot) :

Suggestion : Tir chanceux

It means the same thing, just more formal. Veinard is casual speech and it does not fit the rest of the translation. Put Emblème immaculée and Tir veinard next to each other and you go from very polite, nearly poetic to nearly being part of everyday language.

Vitality (green) :

- Coeur vaillant (Enduring Spirit) :

Suggestion : Volonté de fer OR Esprit tenace

Coeur vaillant is mostly about someone being courageous. Esprit tenace or Volonté de fer conveys the idea of someone strong willed, not letting hardships taking them down.

- Retour de balle (Return fire) :

Suggestion : Retour de bâton

I know what you have tried to do and quite frankly I can see a world where it works. The idiom "retour de baton" means literally what do the item do though and we must not forget that most people don't really read items. In all honesty, I am being just annoying with that one, you don't particularly need to change it, but it'd be clearer with the suggestion.

- Drain de melee (Melee lifesteal) + Vol de vie spirituel (Spirit lifesteal) + Balles vampiriques (Bullet lifesteal)

Suggestion : Corps-à-corps vampirique, Spiritisme vampirique, Balles vampiriques (unchanged).

I think everyone can see the problem here. As shown earlier, I like when things are consistent with each other. Also Drain de melee sounds weird. A mêlée in French is when numerous people fight together. Like the opening sequence of a rugby set.

- Protection de combat (Combat barrier) :

Current : +300 PV du bouclier balistique
Suggestion : +300 PV de bouclier balistique

"du" sounds more casual and not formal enough for a game. Quite close to how children would speak. Also applies to Protection enchantée (Enchanter's barrier), Sentinelle du Voile (Veil walker), Explose-tête (Headshot booster), High-Velocity Mag, Tir rapproché (Close quarters), Pyroalchimie (Alchemical fire), and Magic Carpet.

- Frappe fortifiante (Lifestrike)

Suggestion : Frappe fortifiée

The current French name conveys the idea that you are giving a buff to someone, when you buff yourself instead.

- Tissu d'ombre (Shadow Weave) :

Suggestion : Châle d'invisibilité

Tissu d'ombre translates to Shadow Fabric, which is quite good, but literally everyone will call this cape d'invisibilité like in Harry Potter (Invisibility cloak). If you want to be closer to the source language, you can use Châle d'invisibilité instead, since a Châle is a veil that is weaved on a loom.

Spirit (purple) :

- Matraquage (Knockdown) :

Suggestion : Croc-en-jambe

A croc-en-jambe is a leg trip. It makes someone fall down which is good with the item. Matraquage is when you lash onto someone over and over and over. Not sure it fits entirely.


That's it for the items !
Despite all the things above, I do believe that so far, the translation is very good and it will be very clean once everything is consistent. I like a lot of the names the translator put, like Pyroalchimie etc.

One last thing :


Overwatch did that mistake and everyone uses the English name to the point where they completely stopped translating the names later down the line.

Also in a competitive game where most of created content will be in English, having the same names in English and French will prevent any confusion.

Please take example on Valorant where the names haven't been translated.
One thing about your post, I speak French, although I'm not a native French speaker, and I do work in localization so I'm familiar with some issues my French colleagues have.
French does use a space before percentages, you can check it here: avant et après les signes de ponctuation et les symboles.pdf
I don't understand why this newer French grammar rule prefers regular spaces over hard spaces though.
In Spanish people also tend to forget about this rule, or just think it's plain wrong because of the daily influence we have from reading English all day.

Overwatch did that mistake and everyone uses the English name to the point where they completely stopped translating the names later down the line.

Also in a competitive game where most of created content will be in English, having the same names in English and French will prevent any confusion.

Please take example on Valorant where the names haven't been translated.
Could not agree more, Please DO NOT translate hero names. I gave an example on the discord of needing to callout an ennemy to teammates in game. Grey Talon's name in French is SERREGRIFFE, no foreign player will understand what Hero we are talking about....
One thing about your post, I speak French, although I'm not a native French speaker, and I do work in localization so I'm familiar with some issues my French colleagues have.
French does use a space before percentages, you can check it here: avant et après les signes de ponctuation et les symboles.pdf
I don't understand why this newer French grammar rule prefers regular spaces over hard spaces though.
In Spanish people also tend to forget about this rule, or just think it's plain wrong because of the daily influence we have from reading English all day.

Interesting, I remember specifically from my translating university that I shouldn't put a space before a %age. It's no big deal quite frankly, I mostly highlighted the inconsistency in my original message anyway which is what bugged me the most with it.

Could not agree more, Please DO NOT translate hero names. I gave an example on the discord of needing to callout an ennemy to teammates in game. Grey Talon's name in French is SERREGRIFFE, no foreign player will understand what Hero we are talking about....

I know right ? I don't understand why people look at Blizzard's terrible way of doing it, instead of Riot. Just translate the character's description, that is more than enough.

Overwatch did that mistake and everyone uses the English name to the point where they completely stopped translating the names later down the line.

Also in a competitive game where most of created content will be in English, having the same names in English and French will prevent any confusion.

Please take example on Valorant where the names haven't been translated.

Names have been untranslated in the 29-30 august update :
