Weapon diversity is lacking because of Souls

And now, with a single soul, heroes with faster bullets have an advantage, Vindicta needs 1 shot with her crazy bullet velocity to steal all the souls and get the - respawn time. If you make it several souls with a time between their apearence(as it is now) she has to use more ammo and spend more time to deny everything, which in the heat of the battle could be really bad.
You are missing the point though. Ease of soul denying and securing is something that helps balance out the characters. You can give everyone the same rapid fire rifle, it will be the most "Fair" thing to do, but it will be boring and break the laning phase as it is now. Heroes being "unfair" in some places is what makes the game fun.
But on practice the most oppressive heroes are also the most effective at denying souls.
For some reason.
But on practice the most oppressive heroes are also the most effective at denying souls.
For some reason.
Because if they are not oppressive, they lose tempo and become useless. Especially apparent on Calico bcs all she has is damage, damage and damage. If you don't deal enough damage after the lane, you are not doing anything for the team. That why heroes like dynamo and viscous have bad guns for denying, because they are already good enough for the team with practically no soul lead.