vpk bug


New member
This time it's the streets map file that got corrupted - I got ulted by Haze, game crashed out completely to desktop and corrupted the streets map vpk.

Unable to rejoin the match in time - Resulting in an abandon yet again. @Yoshi - Can you PLEASE extend the game abandon timeout so I can at least ATTEMPT to rejoin a game in a meaningful timeframe? Or just fix the bug that causes these corrupt files so I can playtest the game?
For the record - I was able to FINALLY fix the bug and force the game to revalidate by deleting the .exe files & an additional non-corrupted VPK file, but as always it was too late for me to be able to avoid the insanely aggressive leaver flag. @Yoshi - Game id: 30192035 - Please can you unban and reset my ban counter or something - This is absurd for me to be getting progressively longer bans for helping to find bugs.

I have the same issue a lot. Yesterday I crashed in the first engagement, and was back in while people were still in the 4-5k soles. I actually caught up and played the whole game through, no one else left because I was able to come back so quickly. I still got a 6 hour ban from that one even though the whole game was played by everyone :(

I have the same issue a lot. Yesterday I crashed in the first engagement, and was back in while people were still in the 4-5k soles. I actually caught up and played the whole game through, no one else left because I was able to come back so quickly. I still got a 6 hour ban from that one even though the whole game was played by everyone :(
tbh i had this happen just now. 31909802 game id. its the final straw. im done being punished for something integrally wrong with their back end. i get its early development, but after ive had this occur on atleast 10 occasions now with varying degrees of punishment im good. maybe when the game is fully released to the public theyll have ironed this stuff out. Hopefully I'm but one drop into a bucket of sand, inconsequential. if not then i see this game dying before it even makes it to release. which i truly wish werent the case.