Vox - trooper focused hero


New member
Name: John Q. Public

Description: A mysterious champion of the people. When magic was shown to the public he built up a following saying that anyone or everyone should be able to use it. Though he talks a big talk, he seems more than willing to profit off of people's belief in him. Perhaps because he knows that the stronger their belief, the more resistant to harm he seems to be... (sorry if this isn't 100% lore accurate, lore is confusing to me. Can be tweaked obviously).

1 - Speechcraft ("Break your chains!"): Convince enemy troopers in a radius to temporarily join your side. They go back to normal after 5 seconds of an engagement (meaning when they start shooting, so you can get some and walk them down an empty lane without reverting). Their damage is only at 70%.
2 - Politick ("You're either for us, or against us!"): John drops a bomb on the ground that explodes after a few seconds. Reduces enemy hero stats and slows and raises ally hero stats and gives speed boost.
3 - Vox Populi (passive): Nearby troopers have a faster firing rate, do more damage, and have more health.
4, Ult - Martyr ("For a greater cause!"): John redirects half the damage given to allied troops and heroes in a (smallish?) radius to himself, taking only 20% of it as actual incoming damage. During the channel he is slowed by 50% and cannot shoot, act, jump, dash, or cast spells, though he (and the subsequent radius) can be moved through spells that force movement. Does not require line of sight. Death ends the spell.

Obviously any and all numbers can be tweaked if way too underpowered or overpowered. Was just trying to give an idea of what I thought might be an interesting take on a hero.

The goal for this hero is that he'll typically want to be with a team given his 2 and ult, but if he needs to try to rat he has that potential as well if an opportunity presents itself. His ult would allow he and his teammates to try to get things done. As for how to balance it, it can last for a relatively long time, but redirect less damage, or be short and redirect all damage. Radius can be adjusted as well.