Viscous Puddle Punch melee scaling bug?


New member
Viscous Puddle Punch (3): "This is considered a light melee attack"

From the ability's text, you would assume that the punch would have scaling or at least independent synergy with the melee items. However, it doesn't.

Viscous light melee attack damage: 63 DMG

Viscous Light melee attack damage + melee lifesteal (+15% melee buff): 73 DMG //////// about correct

Viscous Light melee attack damage + Lifestrike (+40% melee buff): 89 DMG ////////// also about correct

Now here is where it gets weird:

Puddle Punch Damage Max level: 143 DMG

Puddle Punch Damage Max Level + Melee Lifesteal (+15% melee buff): 153 DMG ///////// ???????????????????????? why is it only going up by 10??????????

Puddle Punch Damage Max Level + Lifestrike (+40% melee buff): 169 DMG /////////// ?????????????????? 143 * 1.4 != 169

The Puddle Punch is considered a light melee attack, which means it should get the same benefits as your regular light melee, BUT it is actually taking the stat increase from your actual light melee and NOT your puddle punch damage.

From how I understood the synergy:

Puddle Punch Damage Max level: 143 DMG

After Melee Lifesteal (+15%): 164 DMG

After Lifestrike (+40%): 200 DMG

Realistically I think the synergy would actually be a little too overtuned, it actually would increase your damage A LOT, and I think it should be like 70% efficiency (idk i'm not a game dev). But this is just something that I found while playing and would like to see if this was a problem or not since its pretty misleading. It makes the melee upgrades on this champ useless and the added part also negligible.

TLDR: Viscous 3 ability doesn't scale with melee upgrades like you'd think it should.
If this scaling is actually broken, it might partly explain why it feels like Viscous punch/gun build feels like it falls off so hard come late game.