Viper's petrify occasionally has no AOE range indicator.


Demonstrated on video here. It's annoying to encounter in game because the spell is already hard to use effectively, and even more so in this case because the statue model in the center is very camoflaged against most floor surfaces and so it is difficult to tell if you have even succesfully readied the spell for casting in hectic moments.
View attachment Desktop 2024.11.08 -

I can observe this effect on the first cast of petrify upon loading into the sandbox.
Cancelling the cast while in this state and then attempting to re-cast results in the same behaviour.
In this state, subsequent casts after the first have yet to reproduce the effect.
Casting after exiting and reentering the sandbox reproduces the effect.
Casting after hitting "reset hero" in the sandbox reproduces the effect.
Spawning a second viper causes so many instances of both unexpectedly producing or unexpectedly not producing the effect that writing every sequence of casting, cancelling, and taking control of the other viper and noting whether the effect is produced or not feels like a hurculean endeavour. either way when theres an additional viper on the map things get weird.

valve, please fix.