Vindicta stuck in Assassinate's zoom after enemy ult with no scope overlay


New member

There are a couple of recent post that describe this issue; I have a video of being stuck in the zoom and the match ID.

View attachment Vindicta locked zoom bug.mp4
Got stuck in Mo & Krill's Combo right around 20:00 in game. I zoom for Assassinate right as they lock me in Combo but no rifle scope overlay pops up, just the zoom level. They get pulled by Beebop's hook while they have me in Combo and then I am stuck in Assassinate's zoom without an overlay or it being activated. I didn't even realize it was the ult that bugged until I killed shiv with it and it fixed itself. I could right click and it would bring up the gun and zoom in a tad bit more but it stayed on the ult's zoom level until I activated it again. Unfortunately don't have a clip of it actually occuring just once it was stuck and the fix.