Vindicta Flight/Ult balance


New member
My first option is to just remove vindicta for various reason, a sniper character in this game is OP, not all games need a damn sniper.

First off, the flight should be reworked, being able to shoot over cover at long distances has very few counters and is super oppressive in laning. I propose making the ability to move during flight available once the ability is maxed out. It has practically no counters in laning phase (only bebop or possibly talon), so forcing it to be something to invest in mid or late game when counters are available is fair. So before it is maxed out, in flight you are static and can only move with dashes. This way using the ability at the right time and place becomes more important rather than spamming it.

As for the ult, being able to get bonus soul with kills is super OP. No other character has anything like that, and makes it easy for a semi competent vindicta player to snowball almost every game. It is already powerful enough to instakill when you are low enough health, but rewarding them extra souls is rubbing sand in the wound. I have seen it so many time where a vindicta will engage in team fights only to get the last hit with her ult, while the whole team does the work. How is that fair? I prefer to remove that mechanic completely, I will compromise and make the ability to get extra souls something only available once the ability is maxed out, with half or less of it's current soul bounty.

These changes will balance out vindicta to one that isn't oppressive and easy to snowball, while still allowing the character to succeed.