Vindicta Flight Spirit Damage Expiring Early


New member
There are circumstances where vindicta will still be in flight, but her bullets no longer apply spirit damage.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Equip an item that increases spirit power on-demand. (spiritual overflow for example)
2. Cast Flight
3. Cause increase in spirit power

The flight duration will extend in response to spirit power being amplified. However, the duration that the bullets do spirit damage is limited to the initial casting.

Any source of additional Spirit power acquired after casting flight will extend the flight duration, but not the spirit damage duration.
Items I noticed include Spiritual Overflow, Shadow Weave, Diviner's Kevlar.
Just replicated this bug with Spirt Overflow and Diviners Kevlar, as OP said the flight duration updates dynamically but not the amount of time spirit damage should be applied to bullets, this creates a window in which flight is significantly weaker if you update spirit while mid-flight.