Vindicta bugs with Quicksilver Reload item+Ult and also scoping issues (unrelated)


New member
Bug/Unexpected behavior with Quicksilver Reload item + Vindicta ult:
  • Go to sandbox with Vindicta
  • Scope in charge full and shoot dummy damage = ~168
  • Buy quicksilver reload and choose assassinate ultimate for application
  • Scope in and shoot dummy
  • Damage dealt = ~168
  • Damage expected = ~168 + the 65 from QSR for the first shot that puts QSR into cooldown and reloads you
  • Behavior ACTUAL: second shot gets the damage buff instead when QSR is ALREADY in CD
  • Test: Wait for full charge, shoot once first damage is around 168 notice QSR going into cooldown, charge full again while still scoped and shoot, notice second shot is at ~233 damage so 168 + 65 which should be on the first shot not the second when QSR had already been activated no?
Second issue: Ultimate scope in at wrong FOV
Sometimes when activating ultimate the FOV is not actually zoomed in for a second before popping into the correct FOV, very jarring and throws off the aim
Never noticed this happening before last big patch even though I played many games as Vindicta, noticing other FOV issues with other heroes as well sometimes but don't know how to replicate.