very weird bug happened to me earlier


New member
hello, so I just got back from work and got on my pc to play deadlock. I open the game, then go on youtube on my other monitor. I dont do anything on deadlock besides open the game, and when Im done watching the video, it says deadlock is offline. I close the game, reopen, then it says I have to reconnect to a game or abandon?? So i hit reconnect and just see a game I just did not queue for. I explain what happened to the lobby and abandoned (when i rejoined the game was already abandon ready despite no one actually abandoning besides me automatically) the match match id 30907206. I abandon this match, and got to play another game immediately after. attached clip is from that game. After that second match, I got temp banned as shown in clip. Can I get an unban if possible? Thank you for your time.

