Very bad matchmaking / Experiment with a new account


New member
So let's get straight to the problem. Playing on the main account and stuck at the Archon rating, I wanted to check what would happen if I calibrated on an account that had never played Deadlock.

I'll say right away that I didn't go in to kick weak guys and make fun of them, I specifically didn't do it for them in games in which the team didn't go to destroy buildings, I didn't kill enemies in their forest, interfering with farming, I only made frags on my half!

As a result of 7 matches, I was awarded Arcanist, which amazed me, because below I will provide screenshots of games in which you can see the statistics.

The first problem with matchmaking, in my opinion, is the complete disregard for player stats, literally only whether you won or lost decides.

The second problem with matchmaking is the leavers. Players literally leave any matches, regardless of whether they win or lose. As if they suddenly turn off the computer and go do their own thing.

The third problem follows from the second. People entering the game and starting the game simply do not realize that they are playing a ranked match. They literally enter and play public, interfering with other players who are focused on a full-fledged competitive game.

The fourth problem is the smurfpool. It is not in the game, how many people like me are there who play at a medium/high rating and enter a low rating, but not for the purpose of experimentation, but simply to mock the players. (I encountered this in one game, at the end of the game I gave him a report describing smurfing. But let me remind you, there is no feedback from reports in the game. Here is the thread in which I raised this topic *click* )

Well, to summarize, now the game is divided into 3 groups of players. Everyone below the ritualists are just fangamers, with the rare exception of prisoners of a bad rating system. Ritualists - Phantoms 3, players who have good skill in the game and try to reach high ranks, but also suffer from terrible ELO distribution. Phantoms 3+ are literally a high MMR caste of players who have firmly established themselves at this rating, regardless of losses and wins (I have seen a sufficient number of streamers who have a big losing streak on Eternus, but at the same time do not receive any change in the rating even by one position)

I hope that the thread will be noticed by the developers and I will not be punished for smurfing, since I did it for research purposes and do not plan to continue playing on the account I used. Updated: continue playing on account to get more info about rank system

I have arranged the screenshots from the last to the first game.1738444192804.png1738444220409.png1738444242856.png1738444265630.png1738444288181.png1738444305735.png1738444325181.png1738444339813.png
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I was Archon I when ranking system was fresh, i've steadily fallen to Ritualist *
Maybe i just suck, maybe Ritualist is my real rank, but yeah, it feels like losing is punished much more than rewarding winning and player stats do seem to not matter, in lost games I often had positive scores.
The bad part for me probably is that I am used to playing support roles in MOBAs. I do not have a carry mindset, I simply am not a carry, I can babysit and see the strategic big picture, but i simply am not a good "outplayer". So if the team lacks anyone who is a good carry on a good carry char, im toast as well.
And it feels like supporting stats are really not a factor in the matchmaker.
Let's be honest, they don't have a damn clue how to do matchmaking. Look at the bad matchmaking thread, it's clear they either can't make the system or don't have the players to make it balanced. It's insane how bad it is these days. Games used to be decent but right now they're a shitshow.
I was Ritualist II when ranked mode was canceled and now I'm seeker VI because almost every match I encounter with smurfs and leavers!
(yesterday I encountered with aim-cheater under nickname "not cheater")

And the lower rank the more leavers.

I guess either leave this game or keep going down to bottom Initiator. IDK why I should spend my life for this process.
Let's be honest, they don't have a damn clue how to do matchmaking. Look at the bad matchmaking thread, it's clear they either can't make the system or don't have the players to make it balanced. It's insane how bad it is these days. Games used to be decent but right now they're a shitshow.
I think that bug reports are not a place for your theories on what the devs can and cannot do :)

I am glad or not to welcome you to this thread in connection with a new experiment. I invited my friend, who before the rating system change played literally a couple of games and in the normal mode (let me remind you that the first rating was a separate mode and opened after n-th number of matches). So, I took him to the party on this test account and played one game with him, we successfully lost it and OH MIRACLE, my friend is given Oracle 5 (to say that I was shocked, to say nothing, because at that moment I had the Emissary first rating, and my friend played with a negative k/d), having recovered from this event, we decided to play another one, which we managed to win and AGAIN A MIRACLE, my friend is promoted to PHANTOM 1.
The spoiler will contain screenshots from his account to confirm my words.

Subtotal: this game has completely broken matchmaking, which can in no way exist in a competitive game of such a difficult level. I absolutely do not understand how good players can be hostages of the average/pre-top rating and at the same time (to be honest) weak players, how my friend gets such a high rating thanks to playing in a party.

If anyone has any ideas on what else can be tested on these accounts, write, I will try to implement them. For now, the idea is to continue playing until the rating increase stops.