Verdict, the vigilante.


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Verdict, the Vigilante.

After inheriting his family’s mansion, company, and wealth, Antonio became an aspiring philanthropist whose good deeds quickly became self centered and negligent, due to his increase in fame and fortune.

Antonio had assumed the rest of the world loved him as much as he loved himself but much to his surprise, a cult following of unaided less fortunate souls had formed against him, and the other elites of the city and began rallying against the self proclaimed prince until one day, a successful attempt on his life had been made by the mafia he tied his company to as shareholders.

Antonio woke up in the afterlife face to face with an entity, unsure if it was good or evil.

The entity accused Desmond of failing his task to aid the city, and instead of escaping his mess through death, he now must return and face it. Unable to enjoy his rebirth due to not being fully alive, cursed to exist as a vigilante with his lingering sins aiding him like shadowy clones, hoping to complete his task and atone for them freeing both himself and the sins that haunt him.

Character design concepts:

Verdict’s sins are visible to the one playing him but not to anyone else unless RELEASED by Verdict.

While 4th ability Atonement is ready for use the player can see multiple sins at the ready in areas around Verdict. (Mantling the side of buildings, appearing around corners, or taking a knee over bridges.)

After the use of abilities with sins visible, sins vanish or fade away.

On death Verdict’s sins vanish, and raise him from the depths when reviving in spawn.

Weapons & abilities:

Weapon - Wields a folding M1911 pistol, attached to a retractable brace on his arm, concealed in the sleeve of his jacket.

Gun spins and folds long ways, retracting back into his sleeve and then springing back out on completion of reload.

Ability .1 Bane.) Verdict hurls a wurfkreuz (throwing cross) that spirals outward in a circling motion around himself acting as a boomerang, causing bleed and dealing damage on any contact made as it circles back to Verdict’s hand.

(Instead of extra charges, this heroes ‘would be’ extra charge is simultaneously used on ability activation as Verdict summons one sin per charge throwing out 2 extra crosses per sin. Sins only appear as the upper half of their torso protruding from Verdict as they throw their blades)

Ability 2. Torment.) Verdict RELEASES one of his sins sprinting after a target up to 25m, (upgraded max 50m) IF the sin catches the targeted player within the set distance, it will latch on holding the target in place allowing Verdict to teleport (if player chooses) to their precise location, dealing spirit damage on arrival.

Ability 3. Disarray.) The strongest of Verdict’s sins grabs onto Verdict and lunges towards a targeted area, knocking enemies into the air dealing spirit damage.

(Sin is not visible by other players.)

Ability 4. Torment.) Verdict RELEASES 8 sins in a 25m ring. Each sin deals a percentage of the overall spirit damage individually taking one big lunge at targets that pass through then vanishing after impact.

Reason for summoning the patron: Verdict hopes that by summoning the patron he can appease the entity and lay his sins to rest, or at least gain more insight on how to do so.


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