Various Item Ideas Part 4 (11 items)


Back again with more item ideas

Thread 1
Thread 2
Thread 3

Same rules apply as the previous threads, the numbers on the items are mostly based on feeling rather than any regards to balance, the main consideration is the effects of what the items do, and what they could add to the game, rather than what stats they have.

Additional thoughts I have about the reasoning for the items existence or how it would work are in italics, as usual I don't pay too much attention to the other item ideas in this forum to avoid being influence by other peoples ideas to much, so apologies if similar items have been suggested before.

Rail Harness - Weapon - Tier 1 - 500S
+5% Weapon Damage

Whilst on a rail, gain bonus health regeneration and the ability to shoot without leaving the rail
Rail Health Regen: 8

Active (5s Cooldown):
Hit the brakes on your harness, allowing you stay in position whilst on a rail, can activate it again to release the brakes and set you moving again
Whilst the brakes are active, the shield that prevents you from being stunned after taking damage on the rail will be disabled after 3 seconds

This item would make it so that instead of holding onto the rails, you're instead in your mid-air jump animation and attached to it by a harness, allowing you to freely aim and shoot whilst on it
Activating the brakes would allow you to keep your high postion and the health regen for a time, giving you a good vantage point, but removing the shield that prevents you from being stunned after a duration, to prevent you from just staying up there forever taking potshots at enemies with bonus regen

Soul Flares - Spirit - Tier 1 - 500S
+5% Spirit Resist
+6 Spirit Power

Active (20s Cooldown):
Throw out a bunch of decoy souls, that look like real souls to the enemy but provide no resources

This is an item that throws out 5/6 decoy souls, that look like your own to any enemies
They don't provide any monetary value for being denied, but can block bullets and get in the way of real souls that the enemy is trying to secure
The souls will start with some slightly randomised forward momentum and then start slowly floating upwards as regular ones do

Bullet Condenser - Weapon - Tier 2 - 1,250S
+5% Bullet Resist
+10% Ammo

Active (20s Cooldown):
Condense your entire clip into a single bullet, dealing bonus damage on your next shot based on the proportion of bullets in the clip
+200% Weapon Damage at full ammo

This is an item that allows you to sacrifice your current clip for a single high-powered shot
The fuller your clip is, the more damage that shot does (e.g. full clips adds 200%, half a clip adds 100%, 1 bullet left does nothing)
I did consider it being based on the number of bullets sacrificed rather than the proportion of bullets, but that could potentially make it hard to balance properly given the potential disparity of ammo counts in the game

Glide Cloak - Spirit - Tier 2 - 1,250S
+100 Spirit Shield Health
+60% Air Dash Distance

Active (1s Cooldown):
Activate to toggle on or off a glide state, slowing your fall speed by 60%

This is a mobility item to give characters more aerial maneuverability, letting you dash further through the air and slow your descent, allowing you to make jumps you might not have been able to otherwise

Crusher Gauntlets - Weapon - Tier 2 - 1,250S
+15% Melee Damage
+50% Heavy Melee Damage
-50% Heavy Melee Distance
+100% Melee Damage to Structures

This item was designed around the idea of heavy stone gauntlets that reduce your mobility in some way due to their weight but allow you to deal heavy damage, especially to structures
Main use would be for taking down towers or the slot machines (I don't know if they count as structures in game but they would for this), but would also allow you to hit harder with your heavy melee attack with the downside being you need to be in close range to hit

Candelabra Helm - Weapon - Tier 2 - 1,250S
+10% Ability Range
+5 Health Regen

Inspire nearby allied troopers, giving them bonus health regeneration and directing them to attack whatever target you last attacked
Inspiration Radius: 10m
+5 Trooper Health Regen

I wanted more items that were designed around interacting with the basic troopers, this one turns you into something of a commander for the troopers, making them slightly tougher and giving you the ability to focus their attacks more
To target who you're attacking, they must be within range of you and the target must be within their attack range, the trooper won't move towards a target that is outside of it's range, to prevent you from being able to lead troopers away from the lane and to other lanes or neutral camps

Resurrection Ritual - Spirit - Tier 2 - 1,250S
+5 Spirit Power
+100 Bonus Health

Active (60s Cooldown):
Resurrect any nearby Troopers who died within the last 10 seconds
Resurrected Troopers have 50% health, -25% outgoing damage, provide no souls, and automatically disappear after 5 seconds
Ressurection Radius: 20m

Another item based around Troopers, this time allowing you to respawn a creep wave
Whereas the previous item was more based around telling creeps who to hit, this one is more of a general pushing item

Nocturnis Hex - Spirit - Tier 2 - 1,250S
+5 Spirit Power
+2 Health Regen

Active (40s Cooldown):
Envelop the target in darkness, allowing them to only see a few feet in front of them
Hex Duration: 5s
Visibility Radius: 5m

This item would trap (not physically) the target within a sphere with a 10m diameter centered on their position that follows them around, everything outside of this sphere would get gradually darker over an extra 2 meters until they can't see anything past that
Would be useful as an escape tool if you can get out of the enemies vision radius, or to stop an enemy from being able to target long range allies

Temporal Anomaly - Spirit - Tier 3 - 3,000S
+10% Bullet Evasion
+15 Spirit Power

Active (45s Cooldown):
Reverts a target allied heroes position to where it was 3 seconds ago, health values remain the same as they are currently, can be self-cast.

This item was intended to add more support style spirit items, allowing you to save an ally (or yourself) from a bad situation
Could potentially also revert the targets health values to what they were 3 seconds ago, but that would probably need to be a Tier 4 item, or even an upgrade for this, which would mean it would be a 9,200S item which would probably be a fair investment for that ability

Veil Shift - Spirit - Tier 3 - 3,000S
+1 m/s Movement Speed

Passive (10s Cooldown):
Imbue an ability to provide a brief moment of stealth, shooting or using abilities/items does not end the stealth
Stealth Duration: 5s
Spot Radius: 15m

This item was designed around trying to create more items that imbue an ability as I think that's one of the more fun additions to the MOBA formula this game has added
This would allow you to give an ability an element of surprise or to help you escape, or to make you harder to find whilst using channelled abilities (all effects would still be visible, just not the player model, maybe making it a bit harder for people to headshot you)

Greater Resurrection - Spirit - Tier 4 - 6,200S - Component: Resurrection Ritual (Total Cost: 7,450S)
+20 Spirit Power
+300 Bonus Health

Active (100s Cooldown):
Resurrect any nearby Troopers and Allied Heroes who died within the last 10 seconds
Resurrected Troopers have 150% health and outgoing damage, provide no souls, and automatically disappear after 10 seconds
Resurrected Allies have 50% health, -50% outgoing damage, provide no souls, and automatically disappear after 5 seconds (disappearing or being killed in this state doesn't count as a death on the score board)
If a resurrected ally respawns during this effect, they still respawn back at the base
Ressurection Radius: 20m

This is an upgrade to the above Resurrection Ritual item, bringing back troopers stronger than they were before for pushing, and allowing you to give allies a second chance in a fight if they die before they can use a crucial ability
I think in terms of interactions with the Soul Rebirth item, they wouldn't be affected by this and would just respawn in place after the 4 seconds as usual