Valter: Senior Citizen Mobber

Neat concept, tho I think its missing one crucial aspect, and that's some sort of health regen. Normally characters with self hurt as a concept baked into their design have some way to heal back up (huskar, pudge), cause i mean try to imagine huskar without Berserker's blood, doesnt exactly work
Neat concept, tho I think its missing one crucial aspect, and that's some sort of health regen. Normally characters with self hurt as a concept baked into their design have some way to heal back up (huskar, pudge), cause i mean try to imagine huskar without Berserker's blood, doesnt exactly work
Yeah that's a problem I put aside since everything I can think of would be underpowered or overpowered as hell. I figure that it would be an ability like Geist, or a passive tied to...something. Would it be a passive lifesteal with every shot? Would that lifesteal be tied to damage dealt or heat level, and if heat level how would I account for that? Go just off percentage or the heat count(since items and pickups increase magazine size, that could translate to more shots fired to increase heat level and thus more 'points' that could translate back into the healing factor)?

A lot of ways to add a regen, but I'm not sure what would both synergize with his playstyle and keep some semblance of balance.
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