Use bullets as barrier and crystallize enemy - The Alchemist Gunsmith (Dota Medusa)


Medusa is a very unique hero in Dota. She uses mana to absorb damage thus making magic resource part of health resource.
It could be fun to have her in this game. So I tried. For convenience, I'll just call her Dusa in this post.

Bullet Barrier - Passive ability. Block incoming damage in exchange of ammo.
Forge Firearm - Charge ability. Produce an automatic firearm. The weapon shoot at enemies near the enemy hit by Dusa. The weapon dissolves when its ammo run out. Dusa can have multiple forged weapons. When Dusa is out of ammo, she can take a forged weapon instead of reload.
Transmutation - Charge ability. Dealing damage to enemy's health gathers metal in blood. Activate to give herself and allies ammo.
Philosophers' Lead - Load weapons with alchemy bullets. Bullets apply movement slow and fire rate slow. Multiple hits crystalize enemy. Crystallized units are stunned and take extra damage.

The mass production of Der Freischütz reformed the firearm business. With semi-infinite ammo in everyone's hand, the art of war got rewritten. The weapon industry shifted its focus. Firearm design almost stagnated. Naturally, Dusa's innovative products made the largest market share gain in the year she inherited family business.