Urn Manual Drop Teleports To Different Place On Map


Match ID: 52882

When the urn was manually dropped, it was not dropped in place, but rather a place along the path from a few seconds prior. Some visual effects lingered in the expected spot and even the map icon showed it to be there but the urn was off on it's own.

13:10, Infernus picks up the urn
13:15-13:25, Infernus uses flame dash and rushes to the temple
13:25, Infernus manually drops the urn using the hotkey
At this point it appears that the urn does not drop at Infernus' feet and instead goes back about 5 or so seconds of travel
Random team fight with running around
14:02, Infernus returns to the location that the hotkey was pressed and finds particles sitting where the urn should be
Infernus then finds the urn in its new bugged location and successfully transfers it to the altar
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