urn delivery spot was wrongly set

was looking for a thread about this; just played one game and had the same thing happen. Urn delivery spots showing up on the winning side that's ahead in net worth as opposed to the side that's behind
Same thing happened in 2 of my matches:

24653576 - Happened multiple times:
  • On 20:35 the Blue team, with a 4k lead, gets the urn advantage.
  • On 25:42, the Blue team, with now a 12k lead, gets the urn advantage again.
  • On 30:43, the Blue team, 5k souls behind, gets the advantage once more. With the score being 193k vs 188k, there's not an 8% soul difference to trigger the urn's comeback mechanics, and should have spawned in the neutral position instead.
24645046 - Multiple times too:
  • On 15:43, the Blue team, only 2k souls behind (80k vs 78k) gets urn advantage.
  • On 25:44, the Blue team, 6k souls behind (145k vs 151k) gets the urn advantage, even though 6k isn't above 8% in souls difference, and should've spawned a neutral urn instead. They haven't gotten the walkers yet, so not sure if that makes a difference.
  • On 30:30, the Yellow team gets the urn advantage even though both teams have pretty much the same amount of souls (184k vs 185k).
  • On 35:43, the Blue team gets the urn advantage even though they're in the lead by 9k souls.
  • On 40:40, the Yellow team, 4k souls behind (263k vs 267k) gets the urn advantage even though that shouldn't trigger the 8% comeback mechanic.
24666887 | 24659776
urn spawns in the wrong spot several times, ive had this happen at least once in almost every game but ik these 2 were the most prominent
this urn spot change is barely unreasonable. the team in the lead may really hard to def the urn. the opposite seems being the truely leading team.
Following up again, this seemingly happens every game. Winning team gets urn on their side for easy captures repeatedly. Won us a game we should absolutely not have won: 24675342