Urn Delivery Point Bug

knife guy

New member
Urn Delivery Point Bug
Depsite the amber hand being behind in net worth, (and the sapphire flame being ahead by over 8% at the time displayed in the screenshot), the delivery point for the urn was still on the enemy's side of the map. The enemy also had the urn prior closer to them despite being ahead in networth.
Match Id: 24657536


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    urn bug.png
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Happend in my game too: 24693203

For the first urn, while only having 2k advantage (43k vs 41k) which is less than 5%, urn delivery point was on the enemy side.

Another thing is for early game (at 10 minutes) 8% advantage is not much, its usually only 3k advantage, which doesn't mean anything at all, the requirement for having a lead should be like 8% ahead AND soul difference must be higher than a minimum amount, like 5k or 10k. After all its kinda impossible to deliver the urn to enemy side when the game decides you have a lead, so the requirement should be harder to meet.
The game is only calculating it for alive players lol so if you are winning but died in their base you can just retreat and take it back to your base on the way back. This isn't intentional I think?
had at this 16:20 into match: 24699497
we pick up the urn when slightly behind on souls, pickup location is set to their side
Similar bug in match: 24708260

First issue was when the soul counts were 81k vs 82k, team with 82k got the preferred drop off, despite being within the 8% advised range. They then managed to maintain the lead in souls, but didn't get beyond 8% (maybe once, don't remember exactly), but they always got the preferred drop off. We won a team fight and equalised soul count again, 1-2k difference, and then we got the preferred drop off.

All instances had soul counts within 8% of each other, but always had a preference drop off.
Imagine my surprise last night when we're getting rolled with a net worth difference of 26,000 souls and a kill difference over 2:1, when I pick up the urn and it says to drop it off deep in enemy territory

match id:24662806

it looks to me like the urn spawned and then approximately 10 seconds after spawning it may have used the alive player's net worth to choose a drop off location. The opposing team had a 27,000-30,000 souls lead but 3 were dead around the time of urn spawning and shortly after


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    2024-10-25 11_09_34-Deadlock.png
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Match ID: 24760091
Timestamp 29:50
170k vs 173k, 28 vs 41 kills, 137 vs 140 AP; the Amber is slightly behind, but is to deliver the urn closer to the Sapphire's base.
matchid - 24708587
was impacted by this issue earlier. went to get our losing team an urn, only to notice the drop point spawned deep into a winning enemy push.

Yeah this can be easily abused you can send one team member to go on a suicide run to guarantee an easy earn win in an even match