urn bag


New member
Hello, when I was watching one video about deadlock, I saw a pretty imba bug with the urn. If you pause at the moment the urn appears (when it lands with a parachute), the urn will still continue to land and you can pick it up when the enemies don't expect it. You can also bypass the ban on teleportation with the urn. If you drop the urn into the teleport and then enter it, due to the incorrectly set timing of picking up the urn and teleporting, the player will be able to pick up the urn at the last moment before teleportation and teleport with it, significantly reducing the distance to the place where the urn was dropped. As it seems to me, these are pretty significant bugs, since the economy is an important part of any MOBA, and the ability to use the two above-mentioned vulnerabilities almost guaranteedly take all the urns gives too much of an advantage to the team that uses these vulnerabilities. Best wishes, A caring player.