Urban shaman

Urban shamanism is an odd and somewhat confusing concept that appears in some media. Like your typical fantasy druid, an urban shaman is very in tune with their environment. Namely, a city.
I'll leave the lore specifics to the developers but the hero would most likely be this sort of a spiritual guardian of New York to whom the city itself is like a personal deity (could even be a part of a group of shamans?). And like any deity, it gives its followers powers to thwart their foes. These powers would help navigate the city quickly, gather information and to manipulate the environment to one's advantage.

Inspirations: The Question (DC comics). Harrier Du Bois (Disco Elysium). The Strangers (Dark City).

Ability 1 - Sinkhole
Point targeted AoE ability. After a short delay, the ground bursts open and swallows enemies, dealing damage and then stunning them for a short time, followed by a lingering slow.
Enemies don't see an indicator where the effect is going to happen but the hero will call out the cast.

Ability 2 - Shortcut
Creates a portal that allows travel through walls. When cast, creates two portals on the opposite sides of the targeted point, which has to be on a wall.
The portal requires a short channel time before the travel happens (standing still near the portal, like picking up the Urn or a soul orb) and both allies and enemies can use the portal. Enemies could perhaps have a longer channel time or take some other penalty to use the portal.
The portals would last for about 30 seconds. This would be a charge based ability to allow chained portals.
The final upgrade could be some short lived buff to allies after they use a portal, movespeed seems like an obvious candidate.

Ability 3 - Talisman
Allied/self targeted ability. The hero throws a talisman that wards off evil.
Grants a Spirit Shield to the target. Periodically pulses, dealing damage and marking enemies around the talisman carrier. Marked enemies are revealed, even through invisibility.
The pulses would reapply the mark, so the mark itself doesn't need to last for long. All the effects stop if the shield is broken.
Mark damage could even be the first upgrade.

Ability 4 - Sense Life / Eyes of the City
Globally reveals all enemies on the minimap for a short period of time. Could deal a small amount of damage to allow for some odd builds.
Global range could also be the final upgrade, with the baseline being just a large area centered around the hero itself.

Weapon - some kind of a revolver shotgun to support close range combat, which Shortcut and Talisman encourage. Haven't put much thought into the weapon really.
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