Upgraded Cold Front


New member
Really love using Cold front but it feels like it falls off later game. Especially when it's contested with things like slowing hex in the same tier which is insane value in almost every match. Would love to see an upgraded 6500 or 3000 item that uses it as a component that maybe turns the slow into a root or just buffs the damage and adds a secondary effect to it like spirit resist shred or healing reduction along with the slow. Extremely fun item to use but starts to feel like a wasted slot as the game gets later and most people are just opting to use slowing hex instead of cold front anyway in most builds i've seen, so having a way to keep it relevant would be nice.

Could potentialy even make a double component item that mixes Cold Front and Healbane to basically recreate Shiva's guard from DOTA that way you get the damage, slow, heal and healing reduction all in one package. This involves mixing multiple item types though so might not make as much sense to do.