Upgrade for Reactive Barrier (Reactive Bulwark)


New member
With knockup/cc spam being really strong atm, maybe its time for a reactive barrier upgrade item to buy into?

Reactive Bulwark:
When affected by movement locked, stunned, chained, immobilized, or slept, you are:

Cleansed of that de-buff Immediately
Given temporary Bullet and Spirit Shields (possibly higher then reactive since this is a upgrade)
Restores one stamina bar
Given 1 Second of unstoppable (to prevent spamming CC on the target to eat the Cleanse)
35 Second Cooldown

Can possibly make the item not active during channeled ults to prevent it being a cheaper unstoppable and more of a getout tool from being picked off of 1 stun.
I like the idea of being "CC resistant" but it does feel like it fills a similar role to Debuff remover if we have it purge a disable on you and doesn't really work for Knock-up effects.

My suggestion would instead to be that it increases the Bullet and Spirit shield gained from the original Reactive barrier passive effect, reduces the CD, and then finally grants you additional Bullet and Spirit resist.

For example:

  • Item cost: 4250 (T3, Component, reactive barrier)
  • Cooldown: 25s (7s shorter than reactive barrier)
  • +500 Bullet shield health (Reactive is 350)
  • +400 Spirit Shield health (Reactive is 200)
  • +25% Bullet and Spirit resistance
  • Duration: 9s (same as Reactive barrier)
The base stats don't need to be buffed much (some extra regen, some extra HP. Ammo can remain the same) and I think a lot of people would absolutely pick this up. The extra resist means that you can tank even after they chew through the barrier which means this item would pair really well with colossus or Unbreakable.
I like the idea of being "CC resistant" but it does feel like it fills a similar role to Debuff remover if we have it purge a disable on you and doesn't really work for Knock-up effects.

My suggestion would instead to be that it increases the Bullet and Spirit shield gained from the original Reactive barrier passive effect, reduces the CD, and then finally grants you additional Bullet and Spirit resist.

For example:

  • Item cost: 4250 (T3, Component, reactive barrier)
  • Cooldown: 25s (7s shorter than reactive barrier)
  • +500 Bullet shield health (Reactive is 350)
  • +400 Spirit Shield health (Reactive is 200)
  • +25% Bullet and Spirit resistance
  • Duration: 9s (same as Reactive barrier)
The base stats don't need to be buffed much (some extra regen, some extra HP. Ammo can remain the same) and I think a lot of people would absolutely pick this up. The extra resist means that you can tank even after they chew through the barrier which means this item would pair really well with colossus or Unbreakable.
forcing even more tank to counter cc could be a great idea tbh.