Unusually high CPU usage on loading screen only.


New member
I run an i7 11700k and don't have any high usage issues with any other games and I play a wide variety. This has only been going for about 2ish weeks. When I open deadlock I have to wait about 20-30ish seconds for the 100% CPU to go away. Also, when loading into games/sandbox CPU peaks at 100% for a bit until I get in. Only on loading screens.

Once I'm in, I'm good and my usage is very stable around 30-40% even in full team fights on the highest settings. All high - all low, same result. High CPU usage on loading screen only. I have verified and reinstalled to the same result.

Edit: Just had my first crash, had a smooth game on McGinnis and at the end in the enemy pit during a team-fight I crashed to desktop, no error message. I was able to rejoin, but the match was finished.

edit2: Crashed again with no error as McGinnis in the enemy pit almost in the same exact spot as the last one.

i added -threads 16 to my startup, no more initial load lag, still lagging while trying to join a game, but not as long. Also have not crashed since.
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