unsecured souls block rejuv


New member
My team quickly tried to go Mid to possibly win or at least stall our demise, we easily kill the boss then as we go to secure the rejuv a kelvin drops in and tries to stop us but dies right below the space where the Rejuv lands. His unsecured souls, the orb on the floor, stops the rejuv from coming fully down and we even smack it a couple times trying to claim it but it technically wasn't fully down yet. We lost both the rejuv to the diving Infernus and the game because of it.
Match ID 16214657
Happened around the ~38 minute mark

In your match, the souls aren't what's blocking the Rejuvinator. Kelvin's Frozen Shelter freezes it and stops it from descending. This is intentional behaviour, not a bug. It was changed to make stealing the Rejuvinator less trivial for Kelvin:

- Kelvin: Objectives and Rejuvenator are now frozen and invulnerable when under frozen shelter