Uninstalling until ranked matchmaking comes out


New member
Title. Not sure what has changed with the recent matchmaking but the game just isn't fun right now. Maybe ranked will be better who knows. Just tired of every game being 30k soul difference 15minutes in and clear stomps. This shit is why I quit overwatch 2. You shouldn't be able to predict the outcome of a game 10 min in.
This is an alpha game.
This is an alpha that actually had matchmaking in it. I was surprised they managed to do that. (I'm also surprised people still act like each match is a ranked game and flip out throwing slurs but anyway.) Problem is, I would play with 1 friend who plays the game so much more then I do and I'd get trashed because the enemy team farmed minions and stole mine like no tomorrow. They'd destroy my turrets in 3 minutes. If I play with others or alone then the game would be much more even.

I started to hear that the matchmaking was broken and it definitely shows now. The games really aren't fun anymore for me. I like the game though so I'll probably stop playing the game and wait for an update as well.

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