Undeployed creep dropper bugs attacking creeps

Saw this weird one. It persisted through the rest of the game.

One of the dropper pods for a creep dropped, but did not seem to fully deploy. It sat in the lane, and all enemy creeps were stopping at it to attack. However, it seemed to be invulnerable. I watched a mass of creep wailing on it. I cleared them out then and moved on thinking the dropper would eventually despawn or open.

I came back later, like 5 minutes at least, maybe 10 or more, and it was still there, once again with enemy creeps stopped at it wailing on it.

Passed it again later, still sitting in the lane.

Forgot to save the screenshot, unfortunately. Sorry about that, hope it is enough info!
I grabbed a screenshot the other night. Unfortunately, it was pretty late in the game so I didn't have a chance to check on it again to see if it was still there, but I did see the creeps in the screenshot deploy on top of it, so it was at least there since the previous drop.
