Unable to use gun and ability after respawn


New member
In a recent match I got quite the experience when after a death none of my ability worked and my gun fired about 1 out of 5 clicks. Movement felt impaired/not smooth and the camera was jumping. Audio was out of sync. Ping (displayed through in-game settings) was around 40ms. Some of my allies encountered the same issue and managed to resolve the problem by disconnecting/restarting.

Disconnecting/rejoining did nothing, nor exiting the game entirely and rejoining.

After some time, gun and ability worked, audio was still out of sync, movement felt better but the ping had some spikes around 400ms in-game. No issue detected on my network.

I don't record my game so not sure what else I can provide beside the match ID: 32686999

Edit: just watched the replay where I remember having some gun issue while farming some camp and the replay don't show it (gun seems to be firing fine) so was it just a client issue not displaying the shot?
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