Troopers get stuck in enemy spawn if damaged shortly after spawning


I found that while using Seven's ultimate near the enemy patron, enemy troopers would be knocked off of their ziplines shortly after spawning in. Rather than exiting enemy spawn via the doors, the troopers amass at the front wall and stop moving. While I can confirm this happens with Seven's ultimate, it is likely any source of damage can knock them down early and get them stuck.
Match ID: 245,215 (bot match)
I can confirm with haze's ulti that this happens too
Edit: video:
(unlisted for safety)
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Update: confirmed in sandbox, apparently the navmesh cuts on the veils, but the reason they dont pass the door is unknown to me, my hypothesis is that the troopers don't see the door as openable, instead, they see it as an obstacle.
this is not because of seven's ult, for some reason when the patron goes into the last stage the creeps stop leaving the base
It is because of damage, tried with abraham's gun and it still worked, i made the troopers get stuck inside, even if the map was untouched.

This image is a visualization of the navmesh (nav_edit 1) with noclip and godmode, as the minimap shows, no guardian has been destroyed.
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Update: confirmed in sandbox, apparently the navmesh cuts on the veils, but the reason they dont pass the door is unknown to me, my hypothesis is that the troopers don't see the door as openable, instead, they see it as an obstacle.

It is because of damage, tried with abrahams gun and it still worked, i made the troopers get stuck inside, even if the map was untouched.

This image is a visualization of the navmesh (nav_edit 1) with noclip and godmode, as the minimap shows, no guardian has been destroyed.
View attachment 6122
in this case, the reason for this is that if you damage a creep when he should be flying along the zipline, then he will remain at the base and will not be able to leave because he does not see a way out
yes, in that case you found the real reason for this bug

// this is not because of the ult, but because of the damage