Trinket Enhancer, Spirit Item based around Active Items


Got a few ideas for a Spirit Item entirely based around using and improving Active items.
Trinket Enhancer
All Active Cooldowns are reduced by %
(Or, if this seems far too weak, perhaps it allows active items to build up an additional charge? So you could use two Echo Shards back to back? Or would this break the game with double Refreshers...)

OR more interestingly, could be: "All Active cooldowns have their cooldowns reduced, durations increased, and power enhanced". This second one miiiight be
overkill, as you'd need to introduce some sort of 'power' scaling to each of the actives and itd get messy.
Stone of Ethos - 3,000 cost Spirit Active
+10 Spirit Power
+10% Spirit Damage
+5% Spirit Resist
ABILITY (Variable Cooldown)
Upon purchase, imbue an ability.
Upon activation, double the current cooldown timers of all non-imbued abilities and active items. Reduce the imbued ability's cooldown by the amount of seconds added to all other abilities and active items. The cooldown of this ability is equal to double that amount. Should the imbued ability's cooldown reduction exceed its remaining cooldown timer, add 1 Spirit Power to that ability per second exceeded for 5 seconds. Spirit Power achieved this way cannot exceed 150% of your current Spirit Power.

Seems like a fun idea to kinda bounce off what you said about reduce active cooldowns. Sadly, it doesn't reduce all, but it does a creative bait-and-switch where you can purposefully sacrifice some abilities for the one important one. This could lead to fun situations such as purposefully using Refresher then Stone of Ethos to get a triple ultimate pulled off, at the cost of a 400 second timer to use either ability, or even using it on a short ability like Grey Talon's Charged Shots to instantly get some 200 bonus Spirit Power for a few seconds. Though, it may be quite busted; so, could use another nerf. For example, "After five seconds, the imbued ability is Silenced until this ability is off cooldown", basically invalidating both strategies as long-term and making it a short-term risk.