Translation is spotty on certain items. Elaborating in body.

New member
LATAM Spanish translation is generally well made, has good use of grammar and other than some spacing issues for long sentences it's a good base.
These are the quirks I found while playing.

Hero summaries and abilities are not translated, understandable if they need change or tuning in the future.
Some settings are not translated, such as the reticle and communication wheel customisation windows - Chat wheel has "No Context Pings" left with no translation "Sin Pings contextuales" could be a good replacement
In the shop, all items are not translated but again, understandable in the current state of the game. The "Vitality" tab is not translated and is left as is, "Vitalidad" could be a good replacement.
Some wording could be replaced such as:
-Changing "Flexible" to "Vérsatil" or "Adaptable", although the current meaning can be interpreted as intended for concepts, in Spanish grammar giving an item an adjective like "flexible" more often than not will be interpreted as "it has pliant features" instead of "capable of adapting" - This can be overlooked if there's focus for eSports lingo (e. "flex" across different languages).
-There's nothing wrong with it, but using the word "Referencia" for Builds seems a bit redundant, if you use the build exploration feature then as a result you are "referencing references" for your character, "Equipamiento" sounds better for its grammatical use in my opinion as now you are referencing equipment.
-"Daño por Arma" in the shop menu could be changed to "Daño de Arma" Since it's referring to a percentage it's not following standard grammar, as such it translates literally to "Damage by weapon" instead of "Weapon damage" - This grammar is used correctly in one of the vases that give buffs to the player.
-"% Fire rate increase" vase is erroneously translated as "Alcance de tiro" instead of "Fire rate" this translates literally to "Shot range" - "+% de Cadencia de tiro" could be a good replacement
-"Casting" beacon buff, (I'll attach an image in the innevitable case I get its actual name wrong) is translated as "Lanzando" this is more like "Casting" a fishing rod, not casting a spell, "Embrujo" could be a good replacement
- When attemping to Dash with low stamina, the pop-up that indicates the action cannot be performed incorrectly translates it as "Mover rápido" this is unlike its proper translation in the key binds menu "Impulso"
- Inconsistent capitalisation regarding NPCs on menus, not sure if "guardian, walker, sanctuary" are meant to be honorific titles or just general things so no idea what to comment on this, capitalisation to imply both are in the game.
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Actually, "Sin Pings contextuales" should be "Sin indicaciones contextuales" because "ping" is already translated as "Indicador"
This makes more sense, at the time I remember seeing CS2's chat wheel "Pings" were left untranslated, the same as is in the current game and assumed it was left as a borrow word, this is the translation they currently use and since it's a similar feature parity for its translation is the most sensible choice.
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Are we sure the translation isn't automatically generated? i swear between the half english half spanish text and some errors, I thought it was made by a bot. Right now I don't remember what was the typos and errors.