Toxic Bullets does not buildup correctly

Did some testing to see how toxic bullets interacted with Pockets gun.

Per the description it says it should buildup at 42% per shot, however it doesn't indicate that every bullet in that shot is a percentage of that total build up. Either the description should be updated to indicate the buildup % per bullet or the buildup should apply the full 42% if a bullet from the shot hits the target.

I thought this could be a pocket specific trait, so I tested the bullet damage of 5 from Pockets gun. I found it was not 5 damage spread across all the bullets from the single shot, instead the gun does 5 damage per bullet from the one shot. This would leave me to believe the 42% buildup on Toxic should apply from a single bullet, but only only bullet from the shot.

*Edit* Confirmed that this also effects Spiritual Overflow which also has this build up mechanic.



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Similar issue on Vindicta which should build up 20% per shot on her, but it takes 6 shots to activate the debuff. (Yes I did make sure the debuff didnt start to decay during this process)
I've seen that the damage done at range changes the percentage build up, seems the build up amount is based on if the bullet does full damage.

Basically the build up percentage builds up less on bullet damage falloff, the number indicates for that percentage build up only applies to a full damage shot. Inversely though it does mean head shots build up more, given you do more damage above your base bullet damage. Overall this is another thing that should be indicated to some degree.

This certainly affects shotgun style shots the most.