Time Manipulation based character


New member
I've been thinking a lot about ideas for new heroes and I quite like the idea of time manipulation as a core aspect of a character i.e. Faceless Void/Weaver from Dota, or even Tracer from Overwatch.

I've had a few potential skill ideas for this.

Wind an enemy back in time 3/5s (over a 1s rewind animation)

This could be a good utility spell against healing characters, or alternatively to be used in order to catch fleeing enemies out. No damage would be necessary, so there is a downside to pulling someone back. This could also operate similarly to Disruptor in Dota. Could also potentially target teammates to provide healing, but this may cause issues with targeting and accidental casts.

Warp Speed/Fast Forward:
Grant team members within 25m +25% movespeed for 5/10s.

This could be a useful skill to allow teams that are struggling with initiation to get into position for fights, or again, to close distances when chasing down enemies.

Send yourself back in time 3/5s

Similar to rewind but for yourself, useful for regenerating lost health or for juking enemies when being chased.

Rapid Recovery:
All teammates in radius recover hp and skill cooldowns 100% faster for 15 seconds.

This would ultimately mean that your team gain 30s of skill cooldown over 15s. Could also affect enemies in range negatively. Probably an ultimate ability.

Time Lock:
Freeze an enemy in time for 5s. The enemy cannot gain or lose hp.

This could be a good utility skill to temporarily remove an enemy from a teamfight, but not allow them to be damaged while frozen. Isolating other characters around them.

Slowing Aura:
Enemies in range move slower, OR enemy projectiles in range move slower OR enemy negative status effects last longer when in radius.

This could effectively act as another chasing tool, or alternatively make skills easier to dodge, or even just effectively act as skill duration+ for team members in range.

There's a ton of potential for a character built around this idea, as is evidenced by the numerous characters that utilise similar mechanics in other games. The only difficulty I've run into when considering this is that it would be difficult to make a character with so much utility have skills that do serious damage as most would allow for too much control of the battlefield for that to seem balanced.
True, Paradox's skillset is built around the idea of time manipulation, but in my head the ultimate ability just makes me think of Vengeful Spirit from Dota, and none of the abilities particularly utilise time to manipulate positioning.

In a shooter Time Lock might seem toxic, but there are plenty of stuns/lock downs in the game currently, and there are items that will render characters immune from it's effects. I definitely think there's more room to explore the space than just what Paradox covers.