New member
a hybrid defensive/offensive playstyle with team survivability as the main job
some form of mobility like a teleport, dash or flight
a bubble you can put on an ally or a black hole or something that blocks/eats up damage
some form of a buff you can put on allies. (movement speed?) or a passive that gives extra movement out of fight or when low on health
an ult that pushes enemies away and heals or gives allies armour/overhealth (for a limited time) in an aoe area
the character would propably be themed around science/blackholes/wormholes, maby some form of time manipulation aswell?
so youd have a wormhole for teleport,
a black hole/wormhole that eats up damage.
out of fight the character manipulates time or matter to move faster.
a whitehole/implosion that releases the energy the blackholes would have stored)
(im kinda stretching how blackholes work but it could work in videogame logic lmao)
some form of mobility like a teleport, dash or flight
a bubble you can put on an ally or a black hole or something that blocks/eats up damage
some form of a buff you can put on allies. (movement speed?) or a passive that gives extra movement out of fight or when low on health
an ult that pushes enemies away and heals or gives allies armour/overhealth (for a limited time) in an aoe area
the character would propably be themed around science/blackholes/wormholes, maby some form of time manipulation aswell?
so youd have a wormhole for teleport,
a black hole/wormhole that eats up damage.
out of fight the character manipulates time or matter to move faster.
a whitehole/implosion that releases the energy the blackholes would have stored)
(im kinda stretching how blackholes work but it could work in videogame logic lmao)