Thoughts on the game and changes


New member
I didn't see a suitable channel for this topic, so I created it in bug reports.

Hi, I’m a player with the nickname Playwithme in the game. In the last 2 months, I’ve played around 500 games, participating in high elo lobbies. I’ve also achieved top ranks in the games I’ve played, including reaching the top 100 in Dota in 2016. Here’s my opinion on what could make the game better and where you should focus more attention.

  1. Creep Denying: I believe this mechanic gives too much of an advantage. If your hero is better at denying creeps, you gain 100% of the creep: 50% from denying your opponent and 50% for yourself. Considering that gold is your experience, having a 1k soul difference and using that gold to buy items makes you significantly stronger than your opponent. You get all this simply by AFK farming, just because your hero is better at denying creeps. For example, a hero with a high burst can deny almost every creep and often leaves the lane with at least a 1k+ advantage. Having a hero that denies souls better also gives you many more opportunities, while the other hero has to either push the tower or try to kill you to stay on par in souls.

    Suggestions: I think the amount of souls you get should be either 0 (you take 50% from the opponent) or reduced by half. Additionally, make it so souls cannot be denied from a greater distance and make the soul orbs visible within 20m, the distance at which a person takes full damage (18m), so if they want to contest the orb, you can fight them and they will take damage.

  2. Spirit Damage at Range: The damage doesn’t fall off with distance, which leads to situations where people can stand far under a tower or shoot far under your tower as early as 3 minutes into the game. Talon's arrow deals 200 damage at any distance, Wraith’s cards also deal 200 damage at any distance by 3 minutes. This damage is very high. I don’t think we need to nerf all abilities, but for example, the damage fall-off for Venikda's ult should start at around 50m, and Talon's arrow should deal less damage after 20m.

    Suggestions: Reduce spirit damage over distance, but leave abilities that are designed to not be affected. Alternatively, add a level 5 talent that increases the range at which they fall off or removes the fall-off entirely. For example, a level 5 talent for Talon's arrows that makes them deal the same damage at any range sounds good.

  3. Importance of Pushing Lanes: There are 4 lanes in the game, and the importance of pushing these lanes is incredibly high. Even two waves of creeps without a hero can take down a Walker. This isn’t Dota 2 where you have glyphs and strong towers to kill the mobs, so managing lane pushes is crucial. This leads to always having at least one, and often 2-3, players split-pushing lanes, turning the game into a lane-pushing match. This might not be bad, but it results in almost no 6v6 fights. Even 5v5 fights are rare, and people don’t come to mid-boss fights for a 6v6 battle, resulting in 6v6 fights only when pushing the enemy throne. I don’t think this is normal, as it forces your team to split into groups of 2-3 to apply pressure from different sides. I’d like to see more mass fights in such a game; I think everyone shares this desire, instead of playing cat and mouse.

    Suggestions: Perhaps having 3 lanes (2-2-2) would be better, or reducing the map size, or at least making towers kill creeps. Solving this problem is very difficult, so I hope you come up with something!
OMFG, what is ur rank?
1. Im a Paradox main and i dont wanna change anything cause my lane phase is strong
2. Spirit damage for chad, bullet dmg for pussy
3. PvE is so important, i dont wanna fight 6v6
post is TRASH
I absolutely disagree with the the need to promote full 6v6 engagement, partly what keeps the game fresh and even tactical are all the small skirmishes that culminate into a final showdown towards the end, consistent 6v6 as soon as laning ends would be...well, rather lame, and really simplify the meta into obvious anti-deathball heroes like dynamo. Cat-and-mouse games in deadlock are, unlike many other games, actually rather fun thanks to the juke closets and even the underground networks, I think full on constant brawls would just get boring.
IM very neutral on point 3, but you

**absolutely nailed it on the head**

for point 1 and point 2

point 1) characters are NOT created equal when doing creep denies. As yamato, having a wraith or other high clip/fire rate character in lane means that i dont get MOST of the money that i should unless i start meleeing my creeps. which FORCES me to thenbuy MUCH more healing items then i would like.

which is compounded by point 2

its not that wierd for me to walk out of laning phase with an item that gives SOME form of healing in every category because there is no way for me to contest denies with my auto attack and i HAVE to be in melee range of the creeps to guarantee income.