There is one spot you can get troopers stuck with Bebop's Uppercut


New member
Someone had the idea to use Uppercut to delay troopers, which made me think "What if troopers simply never fed?" or "What if I hid a trooper next to a walker for later consumption?"
I found this singular spot where troopers get stuck, it's on Blue lane, in Yellow team's side, across the shop.
On the opposite side in Blue lane, the map is different, so you can't reproduce it.
In the Orange lane on the Blue team's side, there is a similar design, however it's impossible for me to reproduce the bug, troopers fall off and walk away.
It does let you stack the healing troopers, they won't fight but they'll heal on CD, they also won't feed.
It's a gimmick but it's a busted one nonetheless

