The Witch


New member
Deadlock heroes

The witch

Uses her broom to shoot (rifle like gun)

Skill 1-Curse-45sec cooldown

Single target ability that deals 90 spirit damage

T1. -10 sec cooldown

T2. +60 spirit damage

T3- Apply a debuff to the target.After 3 sec the curse spreads to the closest enemy hero (x meter range)

Skill 2-Fly -65 sec cooldown,10 sec duration

Fly around on the broom.When this is activated you cannot shoot with your broom.Instead can drop bombs that deal splash damage

T1. increased flight speed

T2. When you don’t drop bombs and use skills/items,you become invisible on the minimap

T3. 1 allied hero can ride with you,but for half the flight speed

Skill 3 Fear 45 sec cooldown / 2 seconds duration

Fear the enemy hero making him to run towards his base.Can’t use skills,items or shoot .Interrupts any current action.

T1. Increases the cast range by x meters

T2. -15 seconds cooldown

T3. Becomes AoE

Skill 4-Demon manifestation 100 sec cooldown . 4 seconds duration

Single hero cast.Creates a demon the latches to an enemy hero dealing damage.This demon can be attacked to be destroyed early .If the demon is not killed in returns to the witch and the cooldown is reset.The demon does 70 dps.

T1. -30 seconds cooldown

T2. +20 dps

T3. +2 seconds duration and the demon has a small aoe damage area for half the damage