The target dummy as a character


New member
They didn't know how they gained sentience, all they know that they're fed up with the other heroes practicing their abilities on them and now it's time to pay it back.

1. Headbutt
Charge a small distance at enemy and use your hardened head to do damage. If it hits gain movement speed. AP can decrease CD, increase charge distance, and add attack speed.

2. Target dummy experience
Flat out weapon damage reduction similar to Warden's willpower. AP adds movement speed, reduces cooldown, and perhaps returns x% of the damage at full AP.
Alternatively this could be a passive that increases as you take damage over time, similar to Shivs rage but for damage taken.

3. Throw Trooper
Convince enemy trooper to join your battle, and throw it at the enemy. Consume its souls, do damage and stun the enemy on hit. AP level up adds charges, reduces cooldown and adds damage.

4. Copy ultimate
Copies the ultimate ability of an enemy character, leveling up AP could decrease CD and add scaling.