The Sorcerer


New member
Hey small blurb of my background but I'm league of legends player (former gm) jungler. I play pretty exclusively off meta champions and enjoy developing niche builds for them. I'm mostly known for playing skarner but I also created the lethality briar build that the dev team spent months trying to balance. I've always loved things like champion design in mobas unfortunately it's difficult to get into. Seeing the community hero thread I thought it was the perfect time to throw out some of my ideas!

So my first idea is the sorcerer. I personally love dnd and thought a sorcerer/mage concept would be a cool idea for the game. I'll go over a few things art wise then mention my idea for the kit. I'm not going to have actual numbers in the kit because im still to new to this game to really recognize what exact number of spirit translate to damage with x ratio and how powerful that would actually be, so I will just outline the concept of the abilities and what they'd do and if the devs thinks that it's cool they can put some numbers to the kit and go nuts with it.

So to start art wise. You've got to have a wizard hat, I mean it's just a necessity for any true magic character in my opinion. Maybe make it a little over sized so it falls down and covers the characters eyes or something if you want to add some flare to it but just you gotta have a wizard hat. Then maybe like a robotic arm that they wield their wand in, it could be like dark navy blue with three pink vial/cannisters on the shoulder. The reload could be them ejecting the cannisters out and slapping their shoulder to put new ones in. I think that would be pretty on par with the deadlock aesthetic and would look pretty cool. Then for clothes just kind of a more chempunk sorcerer robe type deal. Probably a shorter skirt maybe no sleeves or at least one missing sleeve to show off the robotic arm. Art wise though that's all I've really got as I'm not much of an artist.

ABILITIES oh boy this is the stuff I live for
So a lot of the abilities are going to draw and take inspiration from dnd and basically use that to make a functioning deadlock kit. If you play dnd you will see the parallels and hopefully you think it's cool. This character is also intended to use a spirit build primarily as they are a sorcerer and sorcerers cast spells (abilities) and abilities do spirit damage. This character is also intended to function as a high single target burst character which I will talk about later.

Left Click
Her main gun will be a wand, this can be done similar to a revolver type gun. Slow shooting, stronger hitting. Every shot the sorcerer swings their arm and flicks their wrist moving the wand from left to right then right to left repeatedly the 'bullet' comes out during this swing. The bullet would be pretty instantaneous or just a very fast travel time and it would leave a thin faint line in the air behind it similar to a tracer round that would float there momentarily before disappearing.

An Iconic spell for all sorcerers that I think translates well to a game like deadlock. It is essentially a grenade and the sorcerers aoe/wave clear tool. Some possible upgrades are giving it charges, increasing the aoe, and adding lingering burn damage to targets hit by it. Fits with the magic theme well and fits with the current ability design as a lot of other characters have these aoe grenade type abilities.

Another iconic spell this time being used to give the kit some mobility. Haste could grant the sorcerer an increase in fire rate, movement speed, and jump height for a duration. Adding some thematic mobility to the kit while not being overpowered. Some upgrades for this would be increasing the amount of speed granted by the ability, restoring/granting stamina while using the ability, granting a spirit, bullet or both shield upon use.

Typically a spell for more occult casters this ability can translate well to the deadlock setting. This ability is designed to be the characters cc, and is intended to be combo'd with their ult for high damage/burst. Whether this spell should be point and click or a projectile II leave up to the game devs. Hexing a target will silence them for a short period and grant the sorcerer bonus spirit damage on hit weapon and ability hit against that target (fireball burn does not count) for a longer period. Some possible upgrades are slowing the target while they are hexed/destroying stamina, a damage amp, increased duration.

Magic Missile
This, once again, thematic ability is designed for single target burst in combination with the the hex. Like the actual magic missile this ability will fire multiple bolts, only over time, from the sorcerers wand that home in on targets near the sorcerers cursor. This is intended to hit multiple times in a short period to repeatedly proc the bonus spirit damage from hex and do a lot of single target burst. Some possible upgrades could be lower cooldown, spirit resist shred, bonus damage per missile. While decent on it's own this ability is intended to be used on targets effected by hex for maximum efficiency.

So yeah that's my kit idea for adapating the classical mage/sorcerer/wizard archetype to deadlock. Hope yall thought it was interesting.