The Phantom


New member
Intro: A high risk high reward support hero that has a skillshot ultimate ability that allows them to temporarily control the opposing enemy's character. You will see the below abilities synergise with the ultimate and also allow for a variety of playstyles depending on what you want to maximize first. Laning stage should be weak, and he should have a large scythe or spectral whip with 8 attacks before the weapon disintegrates and requires reloading. This is a melee weapon with a cone of impact, and should as a result have a limited range.

Ability 1: Phantoms Mark - ranged based projectile that does no damage.
Phantom temporarily marks an enemy and makes them vulnerable. Marked enemies initial are slowed for [2] seconds. This is an amplifying slow with the peak happening in the middle and then marked enemies slowly regaining their movement speed.
Upgrade 1: +10m range
Upgrade 2: +1 charge
Upgrade 3: +1 seconds

Ability 2: Decay
Phantom activates an toggleable ability which causes sickness (% based spiritual damage) in an aoe around him, including himself. This is an interesting component to his kit as it may be his only possible natural defense while in a vulnerable state. This ability can not kill Phantom.
Upgrade 1: Increased AOE
Upgrade 2: Increased DMG
Upgrade 3: Spirit resist & lifesteal

Ability 3: Ethereal
Phantom goes ethereal and is able to avoid all damage during this time. He is able to continue damaging enemies and healing. Phantom is also able to continue moving (albiet at a very slow pace). Initially lasts 0.75s
Upgrade 1: +0.75s
Upgrade 2: +4 m/s during Ethereal
Upgrade 3: ? Open to suggestions!

Ultimate: Mind Body Switch (yes, callout to Ino from Naruto)
Phantom can temporarily leave his current physical-ethereal form and attempt to take control of a host. During this state, Phantoms actual body is in a vulnerable state, but if he is successful in finding a host he can temporarily control their character and actions. This should be limited to abilities/spells (thus forcing a high value CD), or as simple as the enemies position. Phantom is extremely vulnerable during the usage of this ability and should be harshly punished for using it in an unsafe area. Takes 50% more damage. Phantom is able to complete the usage of the ability to its natural end if killed during the usage.

In game it would like a flying phantom similar in trajectory to Grey Talons spirit owl, but with spookier intentions.

Upgrade 1: Increase time spent in this vulnerable state by 3s
Upgrade 2: Maybe allow the usage of enemy spells while in control? Should this be the final upgrade? You guys help me decide.
Upgrade 3: Host takes % based pure damage while under control.
An ethereal spectre characfer would be cool, I fuck with that Loric / Ezren Gal aesthetic.

Would be cool if his Ethereal form damaged enemies that he passes though, rather than being able to use all of his abilities while untargetable.
I don't think a possession ability is that broken that you would need to limit use of their abilities. I understand the concern, especially if there are abilities with very long cooldown implemented into the game. You could hedge against that by permitting use to abilities barring the ultimate.

But I do like the component that you've added of having to leave your body to find the person to possess, because that adds a dimension of counter-play. I was thinking this was going to be like Captain Ginyu's Body Change, where you get to control the other person, and the other person gets to control you. I think that would be pretty fun, lol.