The Oath breaker


Hero idea:
Melee hero with a sword or mace or axe
they have no ranged attacks
hitbox like mo and krill size if not larger.
Hit point scaling like dynamo.
2 stamina bars

Ability 1 Dash hero moves forward 10 second cd
ap 1 resets one stam bar
ap 2 regenerate 20% of missing hp
ap 5 resets all stamina bars and hero gets speed boost for 3 seconds

Ability 2 Smite empower next melee attack with spirit damage like 100-150 on like a 12-15 second cd
ap 1 +50 dmg
ap 2 reduce cooldown by 4 seconds
ap 5 the next melee will crit dealing X 2 damage

Ability 3 forgotten prayer, Hero starts to chant a slow hymm and creates a regeneration aura around the hero restoring stamina and increasing movement speed of all in aura. cooldown 30 sec
ap 1 restores stamina faster
ap 2 increase ms of all in aura
ap 3 reduces weapon fire rate of all enemies in aura

Ability 4 Fallen judgement Hero inflicts damage on target base on the opponents spirit power and weapon damage. example "they have 50 spirit X 45% weapon damage, dealing 70 damage" scales with movement speed or health. cooldown 120 sec
ap 1 Target is slowed for 50%
ap 2 target is silenced
ap 5 target takes 100% bonus damage from all sources.

Heroes lore could be they are anti occult, they strove for high morals and no perversion but failed. they had no where left to turn found a patron to bring back the faith/order. lots of wiggle room in this to fit w/e narrative you want. maybe the loss of "the order" is what drove them to the patron but they now draw on the power to try and get it back. and with all deals with crazy powerful people there is a great cost and almost zero chance of success.

some concepts from AI art generator, "art team don't smite me" but something along these lines.