The Healing Pillar is an item that creates a obstacle with a healing effect and multiple functionalities.


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The Healing Pillar is a deployable item that creates a column at the targeted location. The column resembles a fragment of the McGuinness wall, roughly twice the width of a hero and 1.5 times the height. The pillar is quickly created and can only be placed on the ground. Upon formation, it acts similarly to the Viscous Puddle Punch ability, pushing away enemy heroes but dealing no damage. This ability can also be used for a "rocket jump" to enhance mobility or simply as a step to help the item's owner and other players reach higher ground.

The pillar lasts for 10 seconds and has 1,000 HP, which decreases every second at an increasing rate. Additionally, opponents can damage the pillar with basic attacks and spirit damage abilities. The pillar also heals allies within a small radius, restoring a percentage of their maximum HP. If only one hero is being healed, the healing amount is increased. However, if enemy heroes are nearby, the healing effect is nullified, and the heal rate decreases as the column's HP diminishes.

For example, if the pillar remains undamaged, it starts by healing 12% of a hero's maximum HP and decreases to 3% over time. During its duration, it can restore up to 60% of a single hero's maximum health, provided they are the only one being healed. If all six heroes are within range, each will restore 15% of their maximum HP. All numbers are approximate and require further detailed analysis.

You can use this pillar to shield yourself from certain abilities and ultimates, but you won’t be able to fully withstand something like the Seventh's ultimate, as the column will be destroyed by the damage.

I think this item should be placed in the green section and priced at 3000. Additionally, it could provide +125 health, which is a common stat for tier 3 items in the green category. Alternatively, it could offer +100 bullet shield and +100 spirit shield. Since the item's strength lies in its active component, I believe the additional stat boosts aren't as crucial.

The column should have a design reminiscent of Egyptian obelisks. Healing effects should be visually indicated by an aura or pulse around the column. When an enemy is within range, the healing effect and aura disappear. The column's remaining HP could be visually represented by the appearance of cracks on its surface, which increase as its HP decreases. This would clearly indicate the remaining health and potential healing to both the column's owner and enemies.

When I was already filling in the name field, I realized that a similar idea had been proposed a couple of weeks ago. However, that version didn't include healing or the possibility of destruction, and overall, I provided a more detailed description.

My other suggestions:


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I see some issues with this by its abuse though it does have counterplay.

For the healing the inverse of what you said should be the case. the game rewards you for aoe healing instead using heals as a solo item to go roam and duel people ( rescue beam health nova for example) the knock is quite interesting i wouldnt mind another push to shmoove myself across the map as viscous ball (can do that sticky/rocket jump flow).

Why only melee and spirit. that sounds kinda weirdly specific. to tell it has spirit health it would need to have a blue bar to be easy to understand like a spirit shield right? but then the melee also hit it, that's weird.

Im not talking numbers because that's just tweaking and not the point of design (you absudly over stated this item for instance, potential 325 hp and an active, thats just a lot of the same line of stats too), i do think a spirit shield would be cute so you use your body to block a spell perhaps for it to stay up if they are trying to chip at it if it means you still get more out of it than if you let the spell hit.

my 1st thought is putting this inside a kelvin bubble. He already makes everyone so hard to kill, greens for him are heal boost and heal actives so that can be such a over stacking of effects to create a deathball. sometimes 1 more is to many, but lets see.

So for this i would look into the spirit tree. branch a little off the heal stacking so you dont just stack hp on hp naturally and have uninteractive ammounts of value as well as not give a defensive active to weapon (doesnt fit, warp stone and vampiric are "defensive" but they are made for you to want to attack with them).

edit : All numbers are approximate and require further detailed analysis.

I didn't see this my bad. though the point of the spirit shield and spirit tree is slightly more healthy imo. good idea
I see some issues with this by its abuse though it does have counterplay.

For the healing the inverse of what you said should be the case. the game rewards you for aoe healing instead using heals as a solo item to go roam and duel people ( rescue beam health nova for example) the knock is quite interesting i wouldnt mind another push to shmoove myself across the map as viscous ball (can do that sticky/rocket jump flow).

Why only melee and spirit. that sounds kinda weirdly specific. to tell it has spirit health it would need to have a blue bar to be easy to understand like a spirit shield right? but then the melee also hit it, that's weird.

Im not talking numbers because that's just tweaking and not the point of design (you absudly over stated this item for instance, potential 325 hp and an active, thats just a lot of the same line of stats too), i do think a spirit shield would be cute so you use your body to block a spell perhaps for it to stay up if they are trying to chip at it if it means you still get more out of it than if you let the spell hit.

my 1st thought is putting this inside a kelvin bubble. He already makes everyone so hard to kill, greens for him are heal boost and heal actives so that can be such a over stacking of effects to create a deathball. sometimes 1 more is to many, but lets see.

So for this i would look into the spirit tree. branch a little off the heal stacking so you dont just stack hp on hp naturally and have uninteractive ammounts of value as well as not give a defensive active to weapon (doesnt fit, warp stone and vampiric are "defensive" but they are made for you to want to attack with them).

edit : All numbers are approximate and require further detailed analysis.

I didn't see this my bad. though the point of the spirit shield and spirit tree is slightly more healthy imo. good idea

Perhaps I wasn’t entirely clear. By "basic attack," I meant regular shooting or, more specifically, physical damage from both primary weapons and melee attacks. And by "spirit damage," I was referring to any abilities. In Deadlock, towers are essentially entities that are affected by many abilities, unlike in games like Dota, where only a few spells can damage towers. So, I envisioned the pillar having similar properties to towers when it comes to taking damage.

Initially, I considered adding a limitation like the Mekansm in Dota, where after being healed, a character cannot receive healing from this item for the next 50 seconds. But since the healing here isn’t instant, it complicates the mechanic too much. Therefore, I suggested simply reducing the healing amount. However, I think it’s necessary to add a rule that a character can only receive healing from one pillar at a time.

As for Kelvin, I think we could add a condition that healing doesn’t work within his sphere. Also, if the sphere comes into contact with the pillar, it should be destroyed. This would prevent the pillar from awkwardly sticking out of the sphere.

Yes, I think the item could be placed in the Spirit Tree. This would potentially make it even more attractive to purchase.
It was very late and my brain didn't correctly compute basic attacks with shooting, it had to be melee, idk why. that makes sense and thus just a normal hp as you intended. and i do like that everything affects it like smite's final objective. its cool.

When reading this on my phone I thought about if it would be interesting to have it be a "channel" on spawn to stop the rapid decay. So if it last 10s and has 1000hp, it would lose 100hp/s as long you are channeling it but it would then rapid decay and lets say it last 4-6 if not channeled at all. Perhaps the accelerated decay picks back up as if it wasn't channeled after its time or it starts ramping up as soon you let it go. The channel i mean like the healing beam you can still move so if used to spawn on your feet as you roll you still get punched like viscous punch and roll away. Just a thought if it would be interesting to have it have "two modes" for combat and restoration.

I was thinking also to align with the magic properties within the game for the obelisk, not the aura, to be purple like or ghostly green like most magical things come as. perhaps a aura as well as eldritch horror has taken to also add egyptian themes so that's fine and both the green aura and pilar would be geist and mystic effects so colour themed correctly. This to mention how perhaps the pilar staying in our plane would require some kind of incantation

Anhur pilar is very simple example to take a refence from also
It was very late and my brain didn't correctly compute basic attacks with shooting, it had to be melee, idk why. that makes sense and thus just a normal hp as you intended. and i do like that everything affects it like smite's final objective. its cool.

When reading this on my phone I thought about if it would be interesting to have it be a "channel" on spawn to stop the rapid decay. So if it last 10s and has 1000hp, it would lose 100hp/s as long you are channeling it but it would then rapid decay and lets say it last 4-6 if not channeled at all. Perhaps the accelerated decay picks back up as if it wasn't channeled after its time or it starts ramping up as soon you let it go. The channel i mean like the healing beam you can still move so if used to spawn on your feet as you roll you still get punched like viscous punch and roll away. Just a thought if it would be interesting to have it have "two modes" for combat and restoration.

I was thinking also to align with the magic properties within the game for the obelisk, not the aura, to be purple like or ghostly green like most magical things come as. perhaps a aura as well as eldritch horror has taken to also add egyptian themes so that's fine and both the green aura and pilar would be geist and mystic effects so colour themed correctly. This to mention how perhaps the pilar staying in our plane would require some kind of incantation

Anhur pilar is very simple example to take a refence from also
I like the idea of keeping the pillar grounded in this world. It can help balance the strong healing effect and fits well with the game's setting. I'll add this, along with a few other adjustments, in a few days when I have access to stable internet.